Tim Hayden’s 50 US state mission

British watch business entrepreneur and social media influencer, Tim Hayden has returned to the US to continue the next leg of his wider mission to visit all 50 states promoting Hagley West – the world’s fastest growing watch brand.

This trip follows on the back of a three-month visit to the US earlier this year, which saw Hayden base himself in New York and travel each weekend to a new destination with the aim of growing his brand. Less than three months after arriving in the US, Hayden had already achieved exponential growth – surpassing $1 million turnover. In April 2023 alone the brand achieved half a million in sales.

With social channel audience also continuing to grow significantly across TikTok and Instagram, and with Hayden’s personal Facebook page also now surpassing one million likes, there is a seemingly insatiable demand for both products and new content.

“We’ve seen so many comments from across the US of people wanting us to come and visit them,” explained Hayden. “Our overall aim is to get to all 50 states, we obviously won’t be able to complete that goal on this latest trip, but we’ll certainly be visiting new places and extending our audience.

“Unbelievably, we’ve just recently sold a watch into our 91st different country and I think that really shows the growth and spread of the Hagley West brand. The US market is so big and is pivotal to our success. We can’t wait to meet more of our fans.”

Hayden is joined on this latest venture by his son George Hayden and Hagley West newcomer Sam Morgan-Freeman, Hayden has already arrived in St Louis (MO) and ran one of his famous #FindTim challenges this weekend with 318 people coming to find him. Other destinations on the trip include Kansas City (KS) on Saturday 8th July, Des Moines (IA) on Saturday 15th July, Omaha (NE) on Saturday 22nd July, Sioux Falls (SD) Tuesday 25th July before rounding off the month Bismark (ND) on Saturday 29th July.

However, that’s not the end of the epic adventure, the team will continue into August visiting Anchorage (AK) on Saturday 5th, Sacramento (CA) on Saturday 12th August, Fresno (CA) on Wednesday 16th August, before wrapping up the tour on Saturday 19th August in Bakersfield (CA).

Hayden continued, “The company message of #Loveyourjourney has gone far and wide and I do think it’s that which resonates with people. We all have different experiences in life and I think we’ve built a community now through connecting on that basis, which I’m very proud of.”

For more information on Hagley West, visit www.hagleywest.com. Alternatively, follow founder, Tim Hayden on TikTok @timhayden6.

For media enquiries, please contact Prova Public Relations on 01926 776900 or email hagleywest@provapr.co.uk

About Editor 2637 Articles
Lisa Baker is the Editor of International Business News. As the Owner of Need to See IT Publishing, Lisa is an experienced business and technology journalist and publisher.